International trademark registration

If you plane to scale your business to other countries, then you need to international trademark registration. Especially if the product and/or service have in high demand. Timely filed international trademark application will help to avoid the risks of brand theft, registration on the third parties, and, as a result, of finance and reputation risks in the process of business expansion.

International brand registration gives you protection in any country of the world. You decide which country to choose. Register your Trademark worldwide We cover over 184 countries. In order to find out the cost of registering a trademark in the countries or country you need, please fill out this form and send us:

Step 1️⃣

Select a country or countries from the list.

The trademark must be unique and not be similar, has been previously registered global trademarks. To make sure that it is unique, it is worth conducting trademark search worldwide. This is global trademark database. It contains about 46 million entries. There are also more accurate and complete registers of IP offices. It should be used to avoid the risk of refusal of registration or opposition from third parties or from the local patent office. To avoid these risks, before starting the international trademark registration process, we conduct a global trademark check.

We have several options for conducting a TM search. The first i a quick check of the designation for similarity and identity, without preparing a detailed report. Secondly, a detailed check of the logo against all TM databases required for country registration. At the same time, a detailed report is drawn up with recommendations for possible changes to the name and/or logo so that the trademark is guaranteed to receive a certificate. To quickly order this service, write to us by Telegram or email:

SION Service International Trademark Registration

Madrid System trademark registration

Madrid System trademark registration

Thanks to the Madrid System, the international trademark registration is carried out by filing a single trademark application international for all selected countries. It is very convenient to obtain an international trademark certificate under this system, which currently includes 130 countries.

Some features and benefits:

  • You can submit 1 package of documents in English and fill international registration trademark apply for several jurisdictions at once.
  • The international forms are sent to the IP office of the national application original. From there it is transferred to the responsible body – the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, WIPO).
  • It is possible to use the procedure of the Madrid System for TMs that are obtained or are in the documentation process in the local patent organisation (“basic application” is sent).
  • The protection certificate obtained under this Agreement is equivalent to any national one.
  • In the future, it is possible to expand the brand’s presence to additional jurisdictions.
  • The exclusive right is granted for 10 years, it must be renewed every 10 years (by payment of a fee).
  • In most offices, documents can be submitted in paper and electronic form.

Our patent and trademark attorneys work in every country in the world. Therefore, we provide comprehensive international trademark registration in a high-quality and professional manner. We are also ready to undertake the preparation of any objections to opposition from local IP offices or from third parties. Our team of professionals guarantees receipt of a certificate for international registration of a trademark after providing the service of a detailed check of the TM for similarity and identity on basing trademark databases.

To find out the TM registration of the Madrid Trademark System cost, please write us by email: