China trademark registration

The People’s Republic of China is rapidly increasing its agroindustrial capacities. Many foreign companies are looking to bring their brand to the Chinese market. When starting a business, it is important to China trademark. Therefore, it is worth registering a trademark in China if you want to sell goods or services.

Local registries have over 20 million registered TMs, a record number. Half of the requests for the protection of rights from all over the world are filed here. Chinese activity is 12 times higher than in the United States. Since 2014, the PRC has introduced simplified registration rules for brands. Individuals, legal entities and groups of companies can register here.

SION’s representative helped China trademark register under the national procedure. He will file a petition with the China patent and trademark office (CNIPA). Our specialist is guided by the peculiarities of Chinese legislation and has already registered several dozen trademarks.

China trademark register
China trademark register
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    China TM registration term

    The task in the design of a brand is to obtain a security certificate. It protects the interests of the copyright holder within the country. If the applicant is not a Chinese citizen, he is required to act through an attorney. Our attorney – a lawyer with a local license – will prepare and submit documents to the relevant department, accompany the application until the certificate is received.

    If everything goes well and the department has no objections, the process will take approximately 15-18 months. We carefully prepare for filing, so the process is almost not delayed due to the lack of the necessary papers. We also China trademark office search and check for uniqueness according to the China trademark database. This is important because the national bureau gives a lot of rejections due to similarities and errors, up to 20-25%.

    Intellectual property protection affirmed by China is not valid in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. There are separate legalization procedures, accompanied by which we are also ready to help. You should remember these terms:

    The certificate is valid for 10 years.

    • Its validity period starts from the date of issue (and not from the date of application, as in many other countries).
    • You can also extend the action for 10 years. The optimal period for filing an application for an extension is 6 months before the end of the previous period.
    • You can lose your registered brand after 3 years of non-use.

    China Trademark Registration Prices

    The cost of the procedure involves two components: state fees and our remuneration. Registration fee starts from 270 CNY, renewal – 450 CNY per class. We calculate the amount of payment for services individually for each case. We provide the final calculation, the amount after the start of cooperation will not change.

    Step 1️⃣

    Select a country or countries from the list.

    There is a rule in the country: whoever first submits an application for a TM will register it. There is a lot of fraud here. Even Donald Trump suffered from an unscrupulous firm: she registered the Trump brand and sells building materials under it. It’s a shame when an intermediary or counterparty is doing this. If you are going to go to the country’s market and just go to the exhibition to present your products – do not be lazy, register.

    We specialize in national filing. If desired, the certificate can be extended to other countries under the Madrid system. Due to the local specifics of hieroglyphic writing, only 10% of requests to CNIPA are made according to the international procedure. We do not involve intermediaries in our work, but act independently using the experience gained over the years.

    To calculate the cost of registering your trademark in China, please fill out the Brief and send it to us by email: