Intellectual Property Protection Strategy

There are a number of factors to increase the profitability of a business. One of these factors is intellectual property management. However, competent management is impossible without developing a strategy for the protection and audit of intellectual property.   

So, legal protection of intellectual property contributes to the stimulation of growth of investment, helping to increase revenue and customer benefits. Also provides an opportunity to establish business relationships with contractors.

The SION`s specialists develop strategies for the protection of intellectual property (IP), which include checking a number of factors before submitting the final report to the customer. 

Intellectual Property Audit

Before developing an IP protection strategy, an audit or IP due diligence is carried out.

This procedure includes a set of measures, such as: 

  • checking the legality of obtaining titles of protection in specific country(ies) for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, copyrighted others. Also a mandatory description of the legality of protecting the rights of the authors of these intellectual property objects. Establishing the absence conflicts of interest between authors; 
  • verification of the protection of know-how, commercial secrets of the enterprise; 
  • studying the list of intellectual property objects rights that are used by the company on the basis of licensing agreements;
  • verification of the actual use of objects of intellectual property rights by the company and protection of rights to them; 
  • identification of innovations and recommendations for their protection and protection; 
  • identification of legal disputes and claims for violation of rights to objects of intellectual property rights; 
  • other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of due diligence of IP rights. 

The purpose of the audit of intellectual property 

As practice shows, IP due diligence is indispensable if there is a question of buying / selling rights to an intellectual property objects. Also before transactions of mergers, acquisitions of businesses, raising funds, optimizing taxes, optimizing the company’s innovative potential and identifying the most promising innovations.

Correctly conducted IP audit further provides the creation and implementation of at the enterprise managing system of intellectual property rights and forms a reliable, transparent of IP portfolio. Depending of IP due diligence goal, the strategy and tactics of conducting are determined and experts who are involved in this procedure are determined.

Development of an IP protection strategy 

Based on the information received during the IP audit and taking into account the business goals, the SION specialists begin to develop a protection strategy, which includes the following sections: 

  • active IP business objects (estimated, are on the balance sheet of the enterprise, amortized, profitable etc.);
  • IP rights objects that are not used in business, but legal protection is supported (recommendations on their future fate);
  • inventions, trademarks and other IP for which it is necessary the rights registration on the territory of a particular countries; 
  • risks of filing claims from third parties on specific objects of intellectual property rights (recommendations for preventing such claims);
  • other sections according to the objectives of the audit and the development of an IP protection strategy. 

Intellectual property management 

Enterprises that use objects of intellectual property rights (IPR) in their activities must take care of the protection of exclusive rights to their own intangible assets.

For a strong position in the market the top management must always have access to objective and relevant IP information, namely:

  • to the innovative activities of the enterprise and the number of employees who are involved in this process;
  • to internal legal documents of the enterprise; 
  • on the quality and quantity of IPR and their use in the activities of the enterprise, the degree and timing of their protection;
  • to the license agreements of the enterprise; 
  • encumbrances, violations or possible violations of the rights of the IPR company’s; 
  • assessment of the value of IP rights, taxation, entry into registries, etc. 

SION`s employees carry out IP audits and develop strategies for the protection of IPR for business in any country in the world. Our expert coverage covers over 50 jurisdictions. The developed strategy will significantly simplify the decision-making processes in the management of intellectual property, significantly increase the profitability of the business and increase the reputation in the market.

To order this service, please write to us by e-mail:

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